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These are some of the places that were impacted by Drs. Tony and Esther Chuang.
Hear what people all over the world are saying about their ministries.

Some countries and churches/organizations are excluded due to security issues.
North America
North America



  • Teen Challenge


  • Harvest Bible Chapel - York Region
  • New Life Gospel Church


  • Vietnamese Baptist Church


  • Campus Church



  • Grace Church of LaSalle

  • Greenfield Park Baptist Church

United States of America



  • Christian Fellowship at Aspen Music Festival and School

  • Crossroads Church



  • Hendricks Avenue Baptist Church


  • Christian Fellowship at Florida State University Music School

  • Cornerstone Presbyterian Church


Notre Dame

  • The Academy for Evangelism in Theological Education



  • Village Church of Barrington


  • Grace Bible Church


  • Chicago Chinese Baptist Church

  • Chicago Cultural Center

  • Church of the Beloved

  • CityLight International Church

  • Cook County Juvenile Detention Center

  • Higher Calling Conference

  • Korean Campus Crusade for Christ

  • Love of Christ Church

  • Moody Bible Institute

  • Moody Church

  • Moody Theological Seminary

  • New Life Community Church

  • Pacific Garden Mission

  • St. Philip Lutheran School

  • Uptown Baptist Church


  • Warren Park Presbyterian Church


  • Christian Family Discipleship Church


  • Evangelical Missiological Society - North Central

  • Trinity International University

Des Plaines

  • 芝城台灣基督長老教會


  • Fox Valley Church


  • Judson University

Elk Grove Village

  • SaRang Church and Calvary Church


  • Joliet Crusaders for Christ

Lake Villa

  • Chain of Lakes Community Bible Church


  • ​Church of Our Savior/Mission Poland

Oak Park

  • Calvary Memorial Church


  • Southwest Chicago Christian School


Park Ridge

  • Blu Church

  • Hope Community Bible Church

  • Park Ridge Public Library

  • Summit of Uptown​​


  • ​Lakeside Church of Chicago, Skokie


  • Church of the Savior


  • Grace Fellowship Church​​



  • Calvary Presbyterian Church

  • Korean Christian Fellowship at Peabody Conservatory


  • Korean Presbyterian Church of Baltimore


Berrien Springs

  • Midwest Missions Studies Fellowship


  • Mt. Pleasant Bible Church

North Carolina


  • Brevard Christian Fellowship

  • Brian Center for Health and Rehab

  • “Celebration of Life” Sponsored by Center for Women

  • College Walk Retirement Center

  • Cornerstone Presbyterian Church

  • First Baptist Church

New Jersey


  • The Lillian Booth Actors Home

Hasbrouck Heights

  • Cornerstone Church


  • Cornerstone Christian Church

New York

New York

  • “Arise New York” Concert at Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park

  • Chosunjok (Korean-Chinese) Church

  • Christian Fellowship at Juilliard School

  • Christian Fellowship at Manhattan School of Music

  • Colonial Church of Bayside

  • Emmanuel Presbyterian Church

  • Intervarsity Christian Fellowship at Columbia University

  • Joyful Church of New York

  • NY Presbyterian Hospital

  • One Cry (Calvary Baptist Church and Times Square Church)

  • Promise Church

  • Promise International Fellowship

  • Queens Full Gospel Church


  • Global Korean Young Adults Mission (GKYM) Festival



  • Evangelical Missiological Society - National



  • Terrace Shores Church


  • Calvary Memorial Church

  • Racine Bible Church
North America

"Tony Chuang models a zeal for evangelism that shines a bright light not only to the world but also to church. As I have gotten to know him, I see that his heart is indicative of the Apostle Paul's heart for the lost, "I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings with them." (1 Corinthians 9:23) The Lord is being glorified as I have seen Tony enjoy gospel blessings and preach gospel blessings to share in it with the unreached."

- Jason Lock (Senior Pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel - York Region, Markham, ON, Canada)

“I've seen Esther as a concerto soloist, worship leader, fellowship leader which revealed her deep passion and exuberance magnificently. Esther is an inspiring musician who encourages people to love and serve God and His people… She is a beautiful instrument of God!"

- Sandra Shen (Concert Pianist/Faculty of Brevard Music Center, Brevard, NC, United States,​

“We would recommend this for anybody’s church. It would be really uplifting, helpful, encouraging. It’s given us tools to continue to develop our worship ministries. And if you ever have the opportunity to have Esther and Tony join you, jump at the chance. You’ll be glad you did.”

- Brian and Susan Talbot (Senior Pastor and Wife, Greenfield Park Baptist Church, Montréal, QC, Canada)

“Esther's concerts are a gift to God's people.  Her music transports hearts to a place of worship in God's presence that is difficult to arrive at on one's own. As her fingertips delicately caress the keys and then gracefully, meaningfully arch high above them, head bowed in earnest worship, you sense the grace, and beauty, and mercy of the Lord! In breathtaking contrast, the passionate pounding of the scales with every ounce of her strength combined with dramatic body language portrays the majesty, the grandeur, the awesome holiness of God!  I am always moved to tears, forgetting Esther, as the Lord takes center stage and I stand in awe of His loving character manifested in the words of the songs she has so powerfully sung in total abandonment to Him. Truly, I am lost in worship. Esther's testimony of God's faithfulness to her, as well as her powerpoints of trips overseas, make her concerts unique, interactive, and the reason that I will stop everything and go to them!”

- Nellie Fuder, Chicago, IL, USA


“Esther, you play this arrangement of How Great Thou Art/Great is Thy Faithfulness so musically and artistically… and your technical ability is outstanding. I could not interpret this better myself and I wrote it! And you sing well too!... You are one talented woman.”

- Mark Hayes (Composer/Arranger, Kansas City, MO, USA,


"Esther is a uniquely inspired pianist.”

- Ann Schein (Concert Pianist/Faculty at Aspen Music Festival and School, Aspen, CO, USA,


“Esther is an unusually talented singer and pianist, with a richness of expression in her voice and in her playing that grabs the attention of any audience.  She is also a dedicated, intelligent, and purposeful believer in Jesus whose aim is to exalt the Lord and not herself, touching hearts and lives through His anointing upon her music—something she has now done in many locations around the world.  Esther is a person of character, a gifted musician, and a genuine worshipper of Jesus Christ.”

- Chris White (Evangelist/Missionary at New Testament Missionary Fellowship, New York, NY, USA)


“Esther combines an obvious passion for the Lord with great piano artistry. Those who attend her concerts will come away having heard excellent music-making, but more than that, will be challenged to know God more deeply.”

- Dr. Cynthia Uitermarkt (Former Chair of the Music Department of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL, USA)

"Esther's praise leading at my church was incredibly powerful and amazing where people experienced God's living presence and His empowerment. There is no doubt that her musical gifts both in singing and piano are in professional level and result of highly trained works. Most of all, her praise and music ministry is very distinguishable in that her own spirituality is directly translated into her songs. She is more than a musician or performer but God's living musical instrument for His kingdom. Her music is nothing but an expression of her love for Jesus."

- Jin Oh (Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, USA)


“Esther is a gifted musician who possesses the unique ability to blend classical, traditional and contemporary worship music. By connecting her personal journey of faith with her music, Esther creates an environment which gives testimony to the goodness and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

- Terry Timm (Pastor, Christ Community Church of the South Hills, Pittsburgh, PA, USA)


"When Esther leads worship I am drawn to the Lord in a profound way. God has gifted her in a special way."

- Dr. Bill Thrasher (Author/Speaker/Professor, Moody Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL, USA,


“Esther Shin Chuang is truly unique among sacred artists. She is a first-rate pianist, with a fully-trained technique well able to handle the largest and most-difficult pieces in the Classical repertory, and her enjoyment in sharing these masterworks with her diverse audiences is truly infectious. But above all, Esther's heart is focused upon her Lord and Savior. She is committed to bringing the light and salvation of Jesus Christ to musicians and people from all nationalities and walks of life, and the power of God clearly shows through whenever she leads people in singing praises to Him.”

- Scott Griffin (Former Pianist at Moody Church/Concert Pianist of Captivating Keyboards, Chicago, IL, USA)

“Esther’s giftedness with music and her heart for the Lord brought our church into the worship of our great Savior! And, if pianos had a voice of their own, ours would have been shouting for joy at the opportunity to be used as it was."

- Fred & Grace Burtelson (Pastor and Wife, Grace Fellowship Church, Woodstock, NY, USA


"Esther becomes a servant to God's leading through music. Esther is very impressive in concert mode, her skills and talents are surpassed by few, but the most significant treasure of her music is her submission to God's leading in the worship setting. To take the mechanical out of music and replace it with a special anointing is only because she is keenly aware of God's leading in worship. One of Esther's greatest spiritual gifts is the discerning ability to know what honors God and lifts Him up in a worship service… so that all men are drawn to Him."

- Sammy Kicklighter (Music and Worship Director, First Baptist Church, Brevard, NC, USA)


“Your ministry to us was a part of letting the word of Christ dwell in us richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in our hearts to God (Col. 3:16), and we thank God for that.”

- Rev. Nathan Joy James (Pastor, Calvary Memorial Church, Racine, WI, USA)


“Esther is very committed to the Lord through her music. Her travels around the world have brought the Lord to people in a way they may not have heard before. I will always look forward to a Concert from her as looking to new inspiration.”

- Cheryl Lockwood (In Focus/Moody Church, Chicago, IL, USA)


“The music you [Esther] played flowed directly into the worship of our hearts, and it also directed us in our prayers. I believe God has really given you a gift not only of music, but of worshipping and of leading others into the presence of God.”

- Julie Castor (Violin Faculty/Program Director, The Geneva Conservatory of Music, New York, NY, USA)

"You are truly such an inspirational motivator and anyone can see your love for God by the way you carry yourself and treat other people." 

- H. J. (High School Student, Elk Grove Village, IL, USA)




  • Providence University of Haiti


  • Church for Street Kids

  • Free Methodist Bible School

  • Free Methodist Church of John Wesley

  • Holy Trinity Music School

  • New Jerusalem Church

  • Quisqueya Chapel

  • Quisqueya Christian School

  • Vision Nouvelle School




  • Cole Music School

  • Jamaican Chinese Christian Church



“Tony and Esther, know that you have sparked a renewal for revival here at Quisqueya Chapel and for Haiti. You two were truly a blessing. Thank you again for letting God use you in such a powerful way for such a time as this.”

- Bobby Boyer (Former Senior Pastor, Quisqueya Chapel, Port-au-Prince, Haiti)

“When we look at Haiti, we thought we were the poorest country, but when we heard from Tony and Esther... we have hope again that we could do something through revival and prayer.”

- Ronald Pierre (Music Director, Quisqueya Chapel, Port-au-Prince, Haiti)

"To see you... bring that encouragement and that word to say that God is working in us and through us...this has been such a great blessing."

- Abbel Joseph (Compassion International, Port-au-Prince, Haiti)


Kajiado County

Ongata Rongai

  • Nairobi Chapel Ongata Rongai

Kiambu County


  • Harvest Bible Chapel Limuru Town

Mombasa County


  • Jomvu Girls High School

  • Kiembeni Grounds Crusade

  • Mama Ngina Girls High School

  • Nyali Primary School

  • Trinity Chapel Mombasa

  • Waa Girls Secondary School

  • Ukombozi Evangelistic Church International

Nairobi County


  • “Extreme Worship” (World Harvest International Church)

  • Jamhuri Prison

  • Masai Teachers College

  • Nairobi Chapel, Ngong Road

  • Nairobi Korean Church

  • Viral Conference




  • Miracle Center Cathedral

  • Pastors Discipleship Network (PDN) Conference

  • Secondary School


  • Miracle Center Cathedral

  • Police Training School



"Esther, Your voice is anointed."

- Pastor (Kampala, Uganda)


“The true test of a great communicator through music is when children can easily fall in love with their music. My two daughter Lulu and Amani are great lovers of Esther and her music. They fondly sing along to tunes of ‘One step at a time” and much more. Lulu has also found her inspiration and desire to play the piano from contact with Esther at an early age. God Bless you for your service to God and people through your Music."

- Tobbias Ngala (Senior Pastor, Trinity Chapel Mombasa, Mombasa, Kenya)

"Tony Chuang, you recently visited us and spoke in a way that the message was etched in our hearts. Speaking from the passage in Jeremiah 29:11, and sharing from your Life story, we could easily resonate with your life experiences and be drawn to faith. My experience is that Tony wasn’t just preaching, but has had a taste of what he was preaching. God bless your work brother."

- Tobbias Ngala (Senior Pastor, Trinity Chapel Mombasa, Mombasa, Kenya)


Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur

  • AsiaCMS

  • Charis Community Church

  • Emmanuel Evangelical Free Church

  • UCSI University


George Town

  • Asia Theological Association

  • Butterworth Life Baptist Church

  • Dalat International School

  • Explain International

  • E&O Hotel

  • Georgetown Baptist Church

  • George Town Festival

  • Harmonico

  • Jammin Senzation (Conservatory of Performing Arts & Music)

  • LBS Music World Gurney Plaza

  • Living Word Centre

  • Loh Guan Lye Specialists Centre

  • Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary

  • Penang Baptist Church

  • Penang Christian Centre

  • Penang PAC

  • Reservoir Garden Baptist Church

  • Steinway Gallery

  • The Children's Protection Society

  • The Suffolk House

  • Universiti Sains Malaysia

  • Wawasan Open University

  • Wesley Methodist School

Seberang Prai

  • Faith Community Church


Kota Kinabalu

  • Anglican Training Institute

  • Calvary Charismatic Centre

  • Christ Church Likas

  • The Church of the Good Samaritan


  • Sandakan Baptist Church


Ampang Jaya

  • Revival Centre KL


  • Kajang Assembly of God

Petaling Jaya

  • Alpha Omega International College

  • Assemblies of God Malaysia

  • Bible College of Malaysia

  • Damansara Performing Arts Centre

  • Steinway Gallery Malaysia

Subang Jaya

  • High Praise Church

  • Subang Jaya Assembly of God


​​Province of Benguet

City of Baguio

  • Asia Pacific Theological Seminary

Republic of Korea



  • Church of Love Baptist Church

  • Church with a Dream

  • Dongbu Church

  • Full Gospel Je-Il Church

  • Hyoja Methodist Church

  • Joohyang Church

  • Kangwon University Faculty Christian Fellowship

  • KCCC (Korean Campus Crusade of Christ)

  • Rainbow Church

  • World Vision Church

Seoul Metropolitan Area


  • Seoul Union Church


Taipei City

  • Overseas Radio and Television, Inc. (ORTV)

  • 世界華福中心 (Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism)

  • 台北宣道堂 (Taipei Mission Church)

  • 北投行道會 (Beitou Chinese Evangelical Covenant Church)

  • 合一基督教會 (Oneness Christ Church)

  • 盼望教會 (Hope Church)

  • 基督之家 (The Home of Christ)

  • 浸信會義美堂 (Yi Mei Baptist Church)

  • 懷恩堂 (Grace Baptist Church)

  • 燈塔教會 (Lighthouse Church)



  • Trans-World Chinese Baptist Mission




「智超的信息分享充滿了對主的愛與熱情,也反映在他對人的關懷和興趣, 他渴望人能夠認識耶穌的愛和救贖。他是年輕一代傳道人中少數早早就經歷生命的挫折,但沒有減損他對傳揚基督福音的心志!他和Esther今年結婚, 他和Esther的音樂、敬拜的恩賜搭配一起,我深信會帶人許多人生命中建造!」

"Tony's messages are filled with love and passion for the Lord, and reflects his care and interest in people; he yearns for people to know more of Jesus' love and salvation. He is among few young preachers of this generation who has faced the trials of life, but this did not decrease his resolve to proclaim the Gospel of Christ! They were married this year. Combined with Esther's music/worship, I'm deeply convinced that they will edify and build up a multitude of lives!"

- 王睿[台灣學園傳道會會長] [Stephen Wang (National Leader, Taiwan Campus Crusade for Christ, Taipei, Taiwan)]

"Tony and Esther's Ministry is just as the Acts 10:44 'While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.' Tony preaches with great passion and Esther leads worship and sings with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, resulting in the salvation of many souls, changed lives, and great miraculous signs." 

- Sungkyun Shin (Senior Pastor, World Vision Church, Chuncheon, South Korea)




  • Salzburg Baptist Church

  • Salzburg International Christian Church




  • Berlin Korean Church



Canton of Bern


  • Riverlife International Church

Canton of Vaud


  • Signal de Bougy

  • Westlake Church





  • International Christian Fellowship of Padova



  • International Christian Fellowship of Rome

United Kingdom



  • St Giles Cathedral


  • Deans Community High School

  • Revival Radio

  • Salvation Army Church



“Your desire to adore and lift up the Lord Jesus Christ through the gift of music He has given you, and the gift of preaching effectively the Kingdom of God touched the heart of God and all the lives that heard you."

- Steve Gray (Senior Pastor, International Christian Fellowship of Padova, Padova, Italy)


“Esther made a deep felt impression on the congregation with her piano pieces, singing, and testimony. Her witness for the Lord is a great encouragement for all who hear her and each person departs with praise in their hearts because of her love for people and above all, the Lord. We look forward to her presence next time she is in Europe.”

- Glynthea Finger (Former Reverend, Salzburg International Christian Community, Salzburg, Austria)

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© 2025 by Tony and Esther Chuang

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